Popol Vuh
was Florian Fricke's partner in Popol Vuh.
December 29, 2001
Florian Fricke died, Frank has continued making his own
music, releasing a CD entitled INSTANT ENLIGHTENMENT.
He and is also a filmmaker. Linked to above is a piece by
Frank entitled "Supernatural" that he's done which
recaptures some of the magic and the essence of PV. He's
also just made a striking 2-part filmography about America
that features some great music as well. Watch & Enjoy!
For More INFO
Frank Fiedler.de
"Doktor" Bob
& Listen
"Doktor" Bob is
co-producer and engineer of the Eurock LIVE Podcasts. In
real life an Apple and Android App creator,
he's also and
of Anatomy at UCLA in the California University system. In
his spare time he dabbles in audio-visual/ analog synthe
wizardry with a
channel on YouTube. On the channel
he showcases a myriad of his other music and video creations
that will have your mind tripping the light fantastic,
turning cartwheels across the floor and flying along on an
audio/ visual journey into super sonic space.
Oculo Rapido - Analog Planetfall
Music Sample
Under the
creative nom de plume Oculo
Rapido, the good "Doktor" creates the sonic architecture for
the Eurock LIVE Podcast.
ANALOG PLANETFALL is his first album
release, a powerful ambient space effort full of deep dark
undulations and surging currents of dense synthetics that
will fry your synapses. "A stunning example of doombient
For more Info:
in 2010
it's hard to believe, and many younger people don't know how
different the music world was back in the late 60's and
early 70's. Bill Reinhardt, a DJ, film maker and sound man
for The Storefront Theater in PDX, was a friend of
the Residents during that time. In their very early days he
visited the boys down in SF and made a mini-documentary
film, unseen until just recently. The "band" has since
become a living legend and still makes some of the most
unique and experimental "music" today. Bill's film is an
amazing artifact of that time and that group of avant
artistes. Take a look. You will be amazed...
Rock in
Rock In Opposition
was not conceived to be a social or political organization,
but more a musical collective that served as an intervention
into “rock” culture encouraging free expression,
experimentation and distribution. It was political only in
the sense that it actively opposed the business of music as
usual, which served primarily as a market mechanism to
generate profit, producing and marketing music for mass
consumption. RIO as an organization ceased to exist around
1981. The legacy of RIO was kept alive in the UK by Chris
Cutler who founded Recommended Records in late 1978, which
continues today as ReR Megacorp. RIO, the music, still
exists in the form of occasional festivals featuring bands
who continues the musical style.
Luc Marianni
Nouvelles Du Passé
the realm of French electronic music & experimental rock Luc
was one of that scenes most original artists. Though not
as well known as some of that scenes luminaries, his solo
electronic albums were among the most adventurous and the
albums by his Rock Critics group were pure
avant-electro-rock mind candy. Today he hosts an eclectic
music radio show and still releases mixed media projects. NEWS OF THE PAST is his brand new anthology of rock
writings, artwork, photos, discography and unreleased music
circa 1973-1988 (in French w/ some English). It's a 50 page
(9" X 12") full-color book packaged with 2 CDs of his
unreleased early period music that ranges the sonic spectrum
from minimal, to spatial & darkly impressionist electronics.
It's a striking and unique package, as well as historical
document of a pioneer of
la musique underground Français!
A LTD EDITION of only 60 copies!
For More INFO Contact
Luc Marianni
Swedish TV Documentary 2001
In the
beginning there was Organization, followed by Kraftwerk.
They were a band which virtually revolutionized the face of
pop music. I saw the band Live in 1973 at The Keystone Club
in Berkeley, a small club it was maybe half-full.. They had
licensed their first 3 albums
to Polygram US for $2,000 and used that money to pay for
that tour. The story of Kraftwerk is spectacularly told
(in English)
on this 2001 High Quality Video Documentary done for Swedish
TV. The band is now silent for almost a decade perhaps,
perhaps never to record or release anything again.
1971 Flashback
If perhaps
you weren't alive and/ or hip to just how truly
revolutionary and radical Krautrock was in terms of the
historical lexicon of rock 'n' roll way back in 1971. There
was always "the beat" front and center, but this
TV performance of Kraftwerk back in the
beginning w/ the original line-up of Rother, Dinger &
Schneider will educate you. High Quality Video from WDR!
Ian Boddy
2010 marks the
30th year of Ian Boddy's electronic music explorations. Over
that time span he has released some incredibly diverse
productions on his own labels, originally Something Else,
then his follow up DiN. The 30 some DiN releases not only
contain his best works, but adventurous collaborations with
some of Europe's other top indie experimentalists. In
addition, he's done more commercially inclined productions
of library music and film music as well. In October he
released a striking new anniversary anthology of his works
entitled PEARL. This brand new Interview offers a glimpse
into his early days as well as what's up in the future.
Eurock Interview 2010
Read & Enjoy
Former long time DJ at WMFU in
NYC, Tony Coulter migrated to the Left Coast in 2009. In
late 2009 to kick off his new FMU Blog he hooked up with
Archie Patterson and had a long conversation about his many
years of being a promoter, journalist and cultural historian
documenting the history of the European Rock scene. The
result was an interesting in depth piece that goes into the
many different ideas and actions of of the past 40 years of
his work.
Paniagua Interview
Luis is Spain's premier artists.
He combines chamber music
filled with keyboards, strings & ethnic instruments, with
sitar, synthesizer & a multitude of electric + acoustic
exotica. In this 2007
Interview Luis
talks about his career and his music which displays a
masterful grasp of composition and ethnic/ electronic music
Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser
R-U Kaiser
was the founder of OHR Records, the first label to
promote & market the German experimental music underground
in 1969-70. Often I've gotten enquires about him & just
recently found out some news. The New Year led me to write
this reflection on him & the times in which we live.
Let us all hope for new beginnings and better endings to
come in the years ahead. Read
The Mythos of
R-U Kaiser
Manuel Goettsching
Read the in
2006 Interview
where Manuel talks about the development of his musical
ideas. He begins with the early Ash Ra Tempel days, and
continues on thru' the music of INVENTIONS FOR ELECTRIC
Zeitkratzer Ensemble Concert, his newest releases & future
Florian Fricke was a visionary
musician. While he may have now left the earthly realm, the
music and spirit of his mythical band Popol Vuh lives on
more beautifully then ever in the stunning reissues by SPV.
The following are 3 articles are Eurock Webzine
Exclusives! Taken as a whole they may well offer the most clear
portrait of the myth, the man and his music ever published.
Please Read & Enjoy!
1989 Interview done at Florians house in Munich by Ian
Laycock is one of the few, and perhaps best Interviews ever
done with Florian. Ian has graciously allowed eurock.com
to publish it for the first time here. It allows us a
glimpse into the the special nature of the man who made
music which to this day remains truly timeless and unique.
Enjoy reading, then listen to his music and be uplifted.
A rare
1996 Interview
done by Florians manager Gerhard Augustin. It offers an
inside look at the man who pioneered what later came to be
known as new age music. His early works AFFENSTUNDE
& IN DEN GARTEN PHARAOS combined Moog synthesizer
with cosmic and ethnic influences into a pop music
context. Both today still rank as definitive works of the
Martz 21st
Century Classical
In 1978
Jasun Martz released a stunning work of symphonic
progressive music entitled THE PILLORY. Flash forward
to the present when he has just released a magnificent
follow up, two and a half decades later, entitled THE
PILLORY / THE BATTLE. After almost 25 years Jasun and I
reconnected and had a great chat.
Read this
where he talked about his life and new music.
Japan's Aska Temple
Read a rare
Interview with John Ubel,
leader and creative musical free spirit behind the fantastic
Japanese Aska Temple. His band flashes back to Manuel
Goettsching and Ash Ra Tempels original space age sound,
taking it one step further. His
new album is scheduled for release in SEPT 2004.
Artemiy & Edward
Artemiev -
Father & Son
Artemiy Artemiev, is the
son of noted Russian electronic composer Edward Artemiev. He has produced
several outstanding synthetic works over the last 5 years on his own
Electroshock Records label. Now he is organizing an International Electronic
Music Festival to be held in Russia at the end of July 2002. Recently EUROCK
did an in depth
Interview with him and
his father which makes for absolutely fascinating reading.
UK ELECTRONICA - Mark Shreeve + Radio Massacre International Interviews
Electronica begins a series
of pieces devoted to covering some of the best electronic musicians and bands
of today. This installment contains brand new Interviews with Mark Shreeve of
Red Shift, one of the very first UK electronic musicians way back in 1980, plus
Radio Massacre International, one of Europe's best trios who specialize in
classic improvised soundscapes in the tradition of the Berlin school pioneers.
Supersister's Robert Jan Stips
A very rare year post
with R.J.
keyboardist extraordinaire for the legendary Supersister (and many other great
Dutch bands). Supersister recently re-formed and have recorded a stunning
new LIVE album. The Interview covers his long history in "pop" music, and
strives to document one of my own personal favorite musicians.
German Rock Impresario Gerhard Augustin
In the beginning in
Germany there were a very few who believed in rock and roll. Gerhard was one of
the pioneers with his TV program The Beat Club and the signing of Can
and Amon Düül 2 and Popol Vuh to contracts with a major label. This rare
Interview tells his fascinating story.
The Legendary Giorgio Gomelsky
The Stones, The Yardbirds,
Vangelis, Gong, Magma and more, Giorgio was there at the beginnings of them
all. He started one of the first hip clubs in the UK and helped create
"Le Souterrain Francaise" (the French Underground) circuit for experimental rock. A
legend in his own lifetime and a great man as well.
This is a must read
Klaus D. Mueller - Klaus Schulze Music Publisher
From equipment man, to promoter, manager
and music publisher for Klaus Schulze, few know music and the business like
KDM. Out spoken , intelligent and honest, I respect few people more than him.
We've shared stories for decades, and following different paths we've come in
some sense to the same place through our love of music. A fascinating
Eurock - The Story of the GOLDEN AGE
Noted Krautrock journalist Fred Mills did
a nice write up about THE GOLDEN AGE and
recently with Archie Patterson for Magnet Magazine.
Here is the complete text that offers a glimpse into the the creation of the CD
-ROM, and perhaps the lighter side of a dark mind (smile).
The Mythos of Stephan
This is a brand new
Interview with the Mythos main man, on one of Germany's
longest lived original OHR "cosmic" musicians. The first I know of being done,
it shows him to be not only a creative musician, but very interesting human
being as well. I think you'll find it great reading.
Julian Ash of NLC
One of my fave new musical discoveries of the last 5
years has been Nouvelle Lectures Cosmopolite. The creative "nom de
plume" of one Julian Ash. This recent
Interview offers
up a glimpse of a "musician" who does not fall into the ego trap of the typical
"artiste". It's refreshing to know such people from my perspective and his
music is perhaps so fresh and unique because of that.
Russia's Ole Lukkoye
A 2001
with Boris Bardash of Ole Lukkoye, the amazing Russian band that fuses the sound and
spirit of Pink Floyd, Faust and Peter Gabriel's PASSION era into a
unique series of excellent albums.
Bernard Gueffier "Le President de Musea"
RECORDS has become one of the most successful and
influential independent progressive record labels in history. This
Interview with it's managing director Bernard Gueffier gives an
eye opening look into the very beginnings and current operations of the
label. I think you'll find it illuminating reading and a textbook example of
how to run a record company in the right way so that it benefits fans, artists
and all others concerned.
Archie Patterson Interview
At the time of release
of THE GOLDEN AGE, Jerry Kranitz of
the following
Interview. It goes into detail
about the beginnings of EUROCK and its development over the last 27+ years.
Music For The 3rd Millennium *LIVE Concert*
At the close of 2000 the UK scene staged
a final live EM spectacular. Featuring the likes of Moebius & Rother,
Alquimia and more. It was a great year end affair. Read the
Live Concert Report.
"Live in PDX Interview"
In late OCT 2000 Damo
Suzuki's Network did a short tour of the USA - West Coast. When he
passed through Portland we met up and had a nice chat. Read the
Interview now.
Manuel Goettsching's Millennium Interview
Read an
with Manuel Goettsching that offers insight into the events that shaped his
career. He reflects on the past as well as hints at future plans for touring
and recording with a newly reconstituted formulation of Ashra.
Supernatural Fairy Tales
Flashback to the Golden Era of Progressive Rock with Rhino
Record's 5 CD box set
Supernatural Fairy Tales.
Includes a 60 page booklet featuring group history's and track liner notes.
Compiled and Annotated by yours truly. Now deleted
form the Rhino Records Catalog it's became a sought after
collectors item.